Maldives Ports Limited


Uthuru Community

Uthuru Maritime Services is committed to empowering the local community in the Northern Region of Maldives through upcoming projects initiated by Maldives Ports Limited. Our goal is to create wealth and generate employment opportunities that will significantly contribute to the region`s prosperity.

By fostering community entrepreneurship and upholding the perspectives and interests of local residents, we aim to build stronger, more inclusive communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We believe that by investing in the local community, we can create a sustainable future that benefits all. Our efforts are focused on ensuring that the projects we undertake not only deliver economic growth but also enhance the quality of life for the people of Uthuru.



At Uthuru Maritime Services, we place paramount importance on safeguarding the environment while pursuing our development projects in the Northern Region of the Maldives. We are committed to raising environmental awareness and implementing stringent environmental protection measures in every initiative led by Maldives Ports Limited.

Our approach prioritizes minimizing disruptions to the delicate marine ecosystem while actively supporting marine conservation initiatives in Uthuru. By aligning our development efforts with sustainable practices, we ensure that the natural beauty and biodiversity of Uthuru remain protected for generations to come.